Turmeric Correct Oily Skin
In order to prevent the skin from becoming too dry, oils and waxes are secreted by the sebaceous glands. This helps the epidermis retain moisture while keeping the skin soft and supple. Excessively oily skin, usually due to overactive sebaceous glands, can lead to acne, cysts, and other woeful skin conditions.
To measure the effects of turmeric cream on oil production of the skin, a 2012 study found that after four weeks of treatment there was a “significant decrease” in skin oils when turmeric was applied twice daily. Over a period of three months, turmeric cream reduced facial oils by nearly 25%! The researchers noted this beneficial effect was likely because turmeric contains fatty acids and phytosterols, which have been observed in other studies to reduce excess skin oils.
Complete study can be found here.
White Turmeric - An Anti-Aging Treatment
Because of its dynamic anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, several studies have suggested curcumin can help counteract the effects of aging and age-related disease. Two studies published in the March 2010 edition of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that use of moisturizing creams containing turmeric twice daily for eight weeks had the effect of drastically minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles; dark spots and changes in skin pigment were also reduced by nearly 15%.
Curcumin can not only halt inflammation in its tracks, but it also protects the skin by improving collagen production while vanquishing free radicals. And because it works so effectively for healing wounded skin, many of the manifestations of skin disease – dryness, rashes, scaliness, swelling, and irritation – are repaired since curcumin helps increase connective tissue formation and promotes blood flow.
Wild Yam Skin Benefits
Wild yam extract contains diosgenin, a steroid saponins (natural steroid) that have combined antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. Diosgenin acts as a de-pigmenting agent, boosts collagen production and restores skin cells. All of these factors can help skin reduce the appearance of unwanted dark spots and inhibiting the occurrence of new hyper-pigmentation, become better moisturized, healthier, and more radiant.
*Wild yam doesn’t actually contain progesterone and our body cannot change diosgenin into progesterone; this process has to be done in a lab.
Patent US20050031654 – Composition based on diosgenin ester for topical use. Google Books. 2016. Accessed November 29, 2016.
Lee J e. Diosgenin inhibits melanogenesis through the activation of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase pathway (PI3K) signaling. – PubMed – NCBI. Ncbinlmnihgov. 2007. Accessed November 29, 2016.