Acupuncture for Mental Health

Acupuncture looks at the body, mind, and spirit as an interconnected system and corrects imbalances. When the system is off-balance, insomnia, anxiety, and depression can take over. Acupuncture increases circulation, relaxes muscle tissues, promotes better cognitive functions and enables the body to heal naturally and regain its balance.

Acupuncture is an effective approach for those who struggle with substance abuse. The treatment helps subdue cravings while also creating feelings of calm and relief from withdrawal symptoms. Acupuncture helps stimulate the central nervous system to release endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain to help ease pain sensations and increase the circulation of bodily fluids. It can also expedite the body’s process of detoxification, increase the amount of oxygen in the blood and deliver proper nutrients to bodily tissues, which in turn can stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities and speed up the recovery process.

Acupuncture helps with smoking addiction in many ways. It curbs cravings by altering the way tobacco tastes and reducing the desire to smoke, lessens irritability and restlessness by increasing the amount of oxygen in the blood and deliver proper nutrients to bodily tissues, and increases relaxation and helps detoxify the body by eliminating waste products from cells. In addition, it can help restore balance in the body, mind and spirit and promote optimal physical and emotional well-being.

"Self-care is how you take your power back. It’s never too early or too late to work towards being
the healthiest you. You will smile again."